Elite Squad Wiki
Elite Squad Wiki

Juan Ignacio "El General" Merlo is a member of Los Extranjeros and is a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.


Main article: Juan Ignacio Merlo

A veteran of countless brushfire wars, Juan Ignacio Merlo is a maestro of numbers and logistics. A man keenly aware of the many prices of a bullet and a life, and the willingness to tabulate them in the same sheet. A former Mexican Army officer, his reputation precedes him in South America. He was none other than the chief comander of Los Extranjeros. A genius tactician, he has carefully built up a cruel image of himself that he uses as part of his campaigns to minimize losses.

When Ghost Recon was deployed on Operation Fallen Ghosts, Juan saw his PMC unravel before his eyes. He was given the same options that he gave to the civilians of Bolivia - silver or lead. Work with Elite squad or die. having accepted his loss and the pardon, Juan Merlo now uses his extensive field and tactical experience against ObtainR.



Name Image Description
Takeover (Active) Forcefully take over the battle, damaging all enemies for 40% ABILITY POWER and then EXECUTING any enemies below 15% HEALTH. Surviving enemies receive -20% WEAPON POWER for 5 SECONDS.
Opportunist (Passive) Whenever an enemy drops below 20% HEALTH, make the most of the opportunity and SYNCHRONIZE FIRE on the target for 5 SECONDS.

Squad Perks[]

Name Description
Los Extranjeros Logo 2
Hostile Takeover
(Faction Perk)
Squad Perk Rank 2
3 Soldiers - Every 10 SECONDS a random enemy is CONFUSED into fighting for you for 3 SECONDS.
Squad Perk Rank 3
5 Soldiers - Additionally, whenever an enemy is killed, all allies damage their target for 25% ABILITY POWER and HEAL for the same amount.
Intimidating Perk
(Trait Perk)
Squad Perk Rank 1
2 Soldiers - While above 75% HEALTH, allies are intimidating to the enemy, receiving +20% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
Squad Perk Rank 2
3 Soldiers - Increased to +30% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
Squad Perk Rank 3
5 Soldiers - Increased to +45% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A


