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Li Si Yuan (Chinese: 李思源, Lǐ Sī-yuán), codenamed G1U, is a member of the Phantoms and a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.


Main article: G1U

Stealthy, sharp and singularly focused, Li Si Yuan is the recon and sabotage expert for the rogue Ghost unit known as the Phantoms.

Once a rising star within the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Special Operations Forces, Si Yuan was assigned to serve with the Ghosts as part of a reciprocal training program. However, under the supervision of corrupt Ghost Lead Alexander Berrin, he was swept up in his unit’s plan to go AWOL.

Si Yuan tells himself that he went along with the plan out of fear of repercussion, but secretly there’s a part of him that enjoys the notoriety that comes with being a Phantom. Elite Squad is an opportunity for him to get his old life back. The problem is, he’s not sure if he wants to go back to that life anymore.



Name Image Description
Oracle Scan
Oracle Scan Enters STEALTH and scans the battlefield, granting +40% ABILITY POWER to allies for 4 seconds and increasing their ABILITY CHARGE by 4% for each enemy in the battle. Any enemies scanned in cover or stealth are damaged for 30% ABILITY POWER.
Pre-Battle Recon
Pre-Battle Recon Rank 4
While they are in COVER, allies receive +5% CRITICAL CHANCE.

Squad Perks[]

Name Description
Phantoms Logo
Born In Darkness
(Faction Perk)
Squad Perk Rank 1S2
2 Soldiers - With reckless abandon, allied Phantoms charge into battle, permanently receiving +150% ABILITY POWER, but damaging themselves for 15% of any ABILITY DAMAGE they inflict on the enemy.
Squad Perk Rank 3
5 Soldiers - Additionally, when the first Phantom is defeated, blackout the battlefield, BLINDING all enemies for 15 SECONDS (cannot be resisted) and granting +100% ABILITY CHARGE to all remaining allies.
Caring Perk
(Trait Perk)
Squad Perk Rank 1
2 Soldiers - Allies are more caring of their squad, recieving +20% HEALING RECIEVED.
Squad Perk Rank 2
3 Soldiers - Increased to +40% HEALING RECIEVED.
Squad Perk Rank 3
5 Soldiers - Increased to +60% HEALING RECIEVED.


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A


