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Jimena Martins is a member of the Kataris 26 and a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.

She is unlocked with 60 Intel which can be obtained from the Raid Store, Bundles, and Ordnance Boxes.


Main article: Jimena Martins

An orphan from an early age Jimena was breaking rocks in the silver mine at Potosi from the age of 12. Determined not to be a Peón forever she resolved to become an engineer and with the help of a local benefactor priest managed to achieve this goal.

Close to her twin brother Benicio, she was devastated when he was brutally murdered at the hands of El Boquita and resolved to join the rebels in their fight against the Santa Blanca Cartel. With her practical skills she quickly rose through the ranks of Katari 26 providing valuable know how and support, especially where a little demolition was concerned.

Generally calm and methodical, Jimena is passionate when roused and furious in the face of injustice, a useful ally in the fight against ObtainR.



Name Image Description
Rise Up
Rise Up Damage current target for 40% ABILITY POWER and HEAL for the saem amount, then grant all allies +10% WEAPON DAMAGE & LIFESTEAL for each 10% of HEALTH MISSING for 4 seconds.
Miners Endurance
Miners Endurance Rank 4
After every RELOAD, permanently gains 20% CRITICAL CHANCE.

Squad Perks[]

Name Description
Kataris 26 Logo 2
(Faction Perk)
Squad Perk Rank 1
2 Soldiers - Once deployed, and every 15 seconds after, use guerilla tactics and launch a molotov cocktail at a random enemy, igniting on impact and BURNING all enemies in a medium radius for 3% HEALTH per second for 2 seconds.
Squad Perk Rank 2
3 Soldiers - Increased to 3 seconds.
Squad Perk Rank 3
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the Molotov CONFUSES any enemies it is burning.
Intimidating Perk
(Trait Perk)
Squad Perk Rank 1
2 Soldiers - While above 75% HEALTH, allies are intimidating to the enemy, receiving +30% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
Squad Perk Rank 2
3 Soldiers - Increased to +60% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
Squad Perk Rank 3
5 Soldiers - Increased to +120% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A



  • Martins originally had a leader ability called Revolucion. Unlocked at rank 8, it granted +25% ARMOR PEN to Katari 26 soldiers.

