Elite Squad Wiki
Main article: Kataris 26

Kataris 26 is an available faction featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.


When the Santa Blanca Cartel arrived in Bolivia and sent their sicarios to convert cocaleros to their cause through assassinations and intimidation, most of them got scared and submitted to the Santa Blanca. However, a small group of cocaleros decided to fight back. Other Bolivians rallied to their cause, and the Kataris 26 started to set up camp in the provinces of Itacua. Today, the fight with the cartel and Unidad goes on for the Kataris 26, led by the charismatic Pac Katari.

The Kataris 26 is mainly aiming to drive the Santa Blanca Cartel out of the country to get the coca production back into Bolivian cocaleros’ hands and to overthrow the current corrupt government represented by Unidad throughout the country. As they are a group of normal citizens working from the shadows, they do not possess any specific type of physical infrastructure. The rebel group can be found anywhere preparing action and fighting the other factions, while some of their members are sometimes captured and kept in enemy camps and prisons.

They are assisted by Nomad's Ghost Recon team once Operation Kingslayer starts. They're helping the Katari 26 to become stronger by providing them with resources, delivering imprisoned rebels, or completing the Rebel Ops side-missions. After much of the cartel is destabilized, the rebels turn on the Ghosts so they can free the country without outside influence. The Ghosts race past rebel checkpoints to confront El Sueño in his mausoleum.


Pac Katari
Pac Katari
Juana Pedriel
Juana Pedriel
Jimena Martins
Jimena Martins
Pablo Cuéllar
Pablo Cuellar
Ricardo Díaz
Ricardo Diaz

Squad Perk[]

Name Description
Kataris 26 Logo 2
Squad Perk Rank 1
2 Soldiers - Once deployed, and every 15 seconds after, use guerilla tactics and launch a molotov cocktail at a random enemy, igniting on impact and BURNING all enemies in a medium radius for 3% HEALTH per second for 2 seconds.
Squad Perk Rank 2
3 Soldiers - Increased to 3 seconds.
Squad Perk Rank 3
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the Molotov CONFUSES any enemies it is burning.