Elite Squad Wiki
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Takashi "Tak" Sakai (Japanese: 酒井隆, Sakai Takashi), codenamed Ringo, is a member of H.A.W.X. and is a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.


Main article: Tak Sakai

Reclusive aerospace engineer and fighter pilot, First Lieutenant Takashi “Tak” Sakai is responsible for the H.A.W.X. squadron’s experimental division. A natural problem solver and an adept at both aerial and ground combat techniques, Sakai has an ice-cold view of modern day warfare, believing that enemy insurgents are nothing more than a technical glitch he can fix with the right tools.

Tipped off by a memo leak, Elite Squad learned about Sakai’s zero gravity weapon prototype, designed to “rain precision fire from the heavens”. Concerned about Sakai turning rogue-scientist, they’ve requested his immediate transfer to the team. Sakai doesn’t mind joining Elite Squad as long as he’s left alone to finish his work. He has also theorized that he can find a solution to the world’s ObtainR problem, which is exactly what Max Claymore is counting on.



Name Image Description
Targeting Ping
Targeting Ping Pings all enemies, reducing their RESISTANCE by 80% for 10 seconds, before removing 80% ABILITY CHARGE from the 3 enemies with the lowest HEALTH and damaging them for 30% ABILITY POWER.
Focused Anger
Focused Anger Rank 4
Removes 70% ABILITY CHARGE from his target every 5 seconds.

Squad Perks[]

Name Description
Air Support
(Faction Perk)
Squad Perk Rank 1
2 Soldiers - When ALL allies drop below 80% HEALTH for the first time, signal for all allies to utilise their flight survival vest to administer aid and heal for 40% HEALTH.
Squad Perk Rank 2
3 Soldiers - Increased to 60% HEALTH.
Squad Perk Rank 3
5 Soldiers - Additionally, 3 seconds after the signal, a targeted missile is launched at the enemy with the highest HEALTH, damaging them for 100% HEALTH and any enemies in a small radius for 60% HEALTH.
Intimidating Perk
Squad Perk Rank 1
2 Soldiers - While above 75% HEALTH, allies are intimidating to the enemy, receiving +30% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
Squad Perk Rank 2
3 Soldiers - Increased to +60% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
Squad Perk Rank 3
5 Soldiers - Increased to +120% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A



  • The game erroneously states his nationality to be Japanese despite being born in Georgia to Japanese immigrants.

