Elite Squad Wiki
Elite Squad Wiki
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"The world is facing a new unknown threat and playing by the rules won’t win this war. As commander of an unprecedented elite soldier squad, you have been granted carte blanche to recruit the best and most iconic agents from the Tom Clancy’s video games universe."
— Game Description

Tom Clancy's Elite Squad was a free-to-play action RPG that was announced at Ubisoft's E3 2019 Confrence. Elite Squad was exclusively released on the Android store in the Philippines on March 23rd, 2020 and was released worldwide on August 25th, 2020. However, on July 7th, 2021, Ubisoft announced the game’s servers would be shutdown in October 2021. The game’s servers were officially shutdown on October 4th, 2021.

The game allows players to collect, upgrade, and battle with characters from the Tom Clancy's video game universe. Players command an elite squad of soldiers pulled from Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, The Division, Splinter Cell, H.A.W.X., and EndWar.[1]


Players obtain, assemble and upgrade the heroes and villains from across the Tom Clancy’s franchises to lead them in real-time battles across three Game Modes: Campaign, Arena and Territory War. Battles take place at iconic locations from each video game franchise.

The world is facing a new unknown threat and playing by the rules won’t win this war. As commander of an unprecedented elite soldier squad, you have been granted carte blanche to recruit the best and most iconic agents from the Tom Clancy’s video games universe.


The game allows players to recruit soldiers from different factions across the Tom Clancy's video game franchise. Soldiers are broken into Heroes and Villains and each have a class dedicated to them to represent their role. Players may train, equip, and upgrade their soldiers with hundreds of different weapons and Gear to build the best strategy to win battles in the combat zone.



